As a women's sneaker brand, we are focused not only on how our shoes look, but how they make women feel when they wear them. It was one of the defining reasons that our founder, Susan Hassett, started Cocktail Sneakers. She tired of the available sneaker options that tended towards fitness-focused or overly blinged-out. She wanted to approach sneakers in a way that every woman would value--how they look and how they feel.
How we feel in our footwear is therefore incredibly important--as much as the health of one's feet. No woman enjoys the discomfort of blisters or plantar fasciitis! Cocktail Sneakers feature a feminine silhouette that harmoniously marries a deep heel cup, shock-absorbing insole, arch support and the comfort of an athletic shoe with classic signature colors and styles.
Beyond wearing sneakers made to support you from the sole up, another way to keep your feet healthy is to get a pedicure. Before committing to a particular spa or salon, review their best practice guidelines regarding cleaning and sterilizing tools to avoid unsavory side effects such as fungus or infection. For the extra cautious, bringing a set of your own tools and polish adds another layer of safety.
If you aren’t into getting pedicures, no worries! Don’t forget to cut your toenails often, usually required every week or two. Although your toes might be tucked away in shoes or socks most of the time, they still require plenty of attention!
For updated "feet facts" and tips for keeping your "tootsies" top notch, check out one of our favorite online foot health resources is @doctorark.dpm (a podiatrist and foot & ankle surgeon).
Foot health can be overlooked when things are going well. But when they go wrong, they can go seriously wrong---leaving people sidelined from daily activities. Consider adding foot stretches to your routine--such as heel and toe walks on your daily commute, or grab a tennis ball and roll it under the sole of your feet to ensure full range of motion and loosen up muscles to improve stability.
Finally, wearing well-made, quality sneakers ensures healthy feet. To learn more about the benefits of our insole, breathable lining and customizable cork insert, visit this page and consider shopping our collection for a pair of Cocktail Sneakers so that you too can feel the magic of our brand.