“In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.” - Coco Chanel
How one styles an outfit often becomes a tool -- whether to highlight (or hide) features, express uniqueness, or communicate an unspoken message. Men often find this strength in the color and patterns of ties, suit fabrics, socks and even accessories. With infinitely more options than men, women make fashion decisions on not just personal style, but strategy. This is evident by how much press attention is given to what women in power wear, be they celebrities, politicians, royalty, athletes or influencers.
In the current pandemic era, there has been a forced style ‘shift.’ Stretchy waist-banded yoga pants, leggings, loungewear, fuzzy socks and slippers quickly replaced closets filled with power suits, dresses and high heels. Celebrities were photographed wearing sneakers while grabbing a morning latte on the streets of Los Angeles and window shopping in NYC. And, they weren’t applying sneaker fashion to athletic or casual attire exclusively. In fact, the media regularly caught the likes of Meghan Markle, Kate Middleton, Reese Witherspoon, Emily Ratajkowski and Oprah marrying sneakers with pant suits and dresses--thus redefining how women pair footwear with both outfits and mood. We have been trained to see these icons of the red carpet forever draped in expensive, red carpet-ready designs, lovingly donated by top fashion designers and paired with equally as pricey accessories (jewelry, bags, head pieces) and of course, footwear.
Yet, the onset of the pandemic in 2020 and work-from-home casual style have catapulted a movement of women wearing sneakers.
And it is totally OK!
Ladies have distanced themselves from the stereotypical belief that the only way to look “put-together” or professional is by adding a pair of stilettos or three-inch heels to round out an outfit. Others long to wear their Louboutins and desperately await an occasion to pull them to the front of their closet, while a growing majority have opted to ditch their heels entirely for stylish footwear that is...comfortable! The more comfortable the woman, the more confident she will be.

Examples of women wearing sneakers with everyday outfits are more the rule than exception. When U.S. Senator and 2020 Democratic vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris was spotted wearing not Washington-proper low heels, but…. (gasp!)... sneakers...the fashion media lit up like a light bulb! It was opined that she, while giving podium speeches to slews of onlookers, struck a deep chord suggesting that sneakers are no longer strictly worn for fitness and have instead become a fashion statement for the powerful woman.
Whether your day is spent taking work calls from the kitchen, Zoom video calls from the outdoor porch, or running from grocery shopping to hockey practice with another five stops in between, women are juggling even more daily responsibilities than ever before. To mentally separate downtime from work-time while at home 24 by 7, maintaining a regular routine including stretching, showering, and getting dressed is one way to get the day off to a good start. Should you be working from or at home, traveling to an office, or spending countless hours in locations between, be sure to incorporate some comfort into your day! An easy way to accomplish this is by wearing shoes that easily transition from morning to evening.
Women have, for far too long, fallen prey to the belief that sneakers should only be worn at the gym (or when exercising) or with casual attire. We subscribe to something completely different and feel that a dressy pair of sneakers pulls together a pant suit or dress equally as well as they do when styled with jeans or capris.
Our red Weekender brightens up an outfit with an unexpected pop of color while a pair of black Professionals add an unexpected hint of shine. The deep heel cup and shock-absorbing insole designed into Cocktail Sneakers allow for them to be worn and enjoyed all day long so that women can continue to chase their dreams from sunrise to sunset. This is important as most slippers and “comfort shoes” are flat, which can actually cause tendon pulls and foot ailments that require inserts to remedy. Cocktail Sneakers thought ahead and designed a slightly elevated “lift” so that by wearing our sneakers, women will avoid “Flintstone feet.”
So ladies, whether the pandemic has caused you to ditch your heels or not, now is a perfect time to give your feet a mini vacation. But, don’t sacrifice your sense of style. To see how Cocktail Sneakers can be paired with just about any outfit, visit our “Look Book”. We hope you’ll give us a try this Fall!