“The first blooms of spring always make my heart sing.”~ S. Brown
The smell of spring is in the air and flowers are beginning to bloom! The return of warm weather also brings with it some warm and positive thoughts. People seem to become even happier and friendlier when it is nice out!
Early spring marks the perfect time for a deep house clean. The blankets, pillows, and hand towels around the house transition from dark colors, snowflake decorations and thick fabrics, to warm colors, fresh florals, and lighter fabrics. Sometimes it’s the little switches that help to transform a space.
Early spring can also be the perfect time to do a thorough closet clean-out. Each of us knows exactly what was worn during the cold months (and what got relegated to the rear of the closet!) When cleaning out your closet, some questions worth asking include:
- Did I wear this multiple times in the last year?
- How does wearing this make me feel?
- Is this still my personal style that I enjoy?
- Does this fit me perfectly?
If your answers are “no” or not a confident happy feeling, then it might be time to consider donating them. After all, just because it's not something you cherish, it could be someone else's treasure! Your wardrobe should be filled with pieces of clothing that make you feel your best, whether they are fancy dresses or even sweatpants! Cocktail Sneakers are created with that in mind by continuously asking the question, how do our sneakers make women feel?

One of the best parts of spring cleaning is spring shopping! It can be a reward from your wardrobe cleanse. To stay in line and focused on having a closet of quality items, it can be helpful to write out a list of what you need before shopping. Some ideas can include a white sweater layer for summer evenings, an elevated floral maxi skirt, a raffia tote bag, and sneakers to go from sunrise to sunset!
Equally as important are foundational pieces within a wardrobe that complement personal style and can be worn for a variety of occasions. Cocktail Sneakers are just that! They were designed to transition from sunrise to sunset without compromising style or comfort. Cocktail Sneakers' founder Susan Hassett wanted a sneaker that she could pair as easily with capris, a fun skirt, and jeans, as well as attire she’d wear at an afternoon cocktail party or an evening out with the ladies.
Our new spring designs are exactly what are needed for an up-to-date wardrobe. The rose-gold Sophisticate and black Occasion sneakers are exquisite! We couldn’t wait to share them, so they are available for pre-order now. Each sneaker offers an elevated and elegant look to any outfit. We are so excited to see how people pair them!
As the warmer weather arrives, what are you most excited about? Spring flowers? Shopping? Outdoor walks? Picnics?
It is a beautiful time of year - embrace it!